Christmas doesn’t need to be a burden on the planet. Fresh cut trees or potted trees are environmentally sustainable options.

Potted Evergreens
Live, container-grown Christmas trees are best option for tight small places. These live trees can be planted into their landscapes or maintain the plant in the container for few years.
Choose a Christmas tree that will fit your landscape taking into consideration soil type, space and your preference. During Christmas time, treat the plant as a “indoor house plant” and water it regularly. It is recommended to keep the tree in a cooler place away from fireplace or furnace. Plan on keeping the tree indoors for no more than two weeks and then hold the potted tree in an unheated garage or protected area where you get sunlight. Provide extra protection for root area.
During spring, you could plant the tree in the soil or move the potted plant where it is conducive to grow. Ensure the container has enough space to support growth

Norfolk Island Pine
This is a great choice for small spaces! These plants make wonderful houseplants and are not cold hardy.
Norfolk pine care is that, being a tropical plant, they need high humidity and prefers several hours of sunlight. Placing the plant near south-facing window and using a humidifier or spaying water on the leaves will help the plant to throve in your house. Water your Norfolk pine when the top of the soil feels dry to the touch. You can fertilize your Norfolk pine in the spring and summer with a water soluble balanced fertilizer. Turn the plant regularly to encourage symmetrical growth which will make a nice pyramid Christmas tree.
Buy a Live/Real Fresh Cut Christmas Tree
Although plastic Christmas trees are reusable from year to year, real trees are a more sustainable choice. Plastic trees are made of petroleum products (PVC), and discarded artificial trees are sent to landfills, where their plastic content makes them last forever.
On the other hand, live trees are a renewable resource grown on tree farms, which are replanted regularly. They contribute to air quality while growing, and almost ninety percent are recycled into mulch. Live trees are usually locally grown, making another positive contribution to air quality. Live trees also smell like Christmas!
Visit us for everything about Christmas, from Norfolk Pines, Christmas trees, Alberta Spruces or wintergreens, such as cedar ropes and wreaths to a wide range of indoor plants. We offer delivery services within the London, Ontario city limits.
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